Healthy Habits of Couples Who Attend Therapy
Relationships editor, Brittany Wong, has compiled a list of healthy habits couples engage in as a result of attending therapy together. According to relationship therapists, going to therapy early in the relationship- and continuing to attend therapy- can facilitate a happier and more loving relationship. The habits described are those shared by individuals who have attended couples therapy.
One of the lessons learned is that “both sides of the story matter” rather than trying to convince the therapist to side with you. Also, the value of being an “active listener” is stressed in that it allows for the speaker to feel heard and understood. Another important takeaway is to carve out time, however little, to engage in uninterrupted emotional connection. This time may be in the form of “date night” or simply waking up ten minutes earlier than usual to connect. Among other important lessons is to give up the need to be “right”, as well as to call a “time-out” when one or both of you are flooded with emotions and cannot effectively participate in the dialogue.
Guttman & Pearl Associates offers individual, couples and sex therapy, which can help you learn these “healthy” habits.